As a kid, I often wondered why some leaves on the trees were different from the other leaves on the same tree. Those colored leaves were flowers. Flowers are different from other leaves on the tree because they have a special purpose. They are not the way they are by accident. They are not the way they are for just aesthetic value. Every single thing about the flower is geared towards that special purpose. No matter what else the flower does, if that purpose is not fulfilled, the flower would have failed. That special purpose of every flower is to become a seed carrying fruit. That seed is then used to create another tree. Each tree has thousands of flowers with this same purpose. The truth is this: not all flowers will eventually become trees, even though the reason for their existence was to become tress.
Every one of us has a purpose. Our purpose is the most important piece of knowledge we must possess. Life without purpose is meaningless. When purpose comes into our lives, every single moment begins to take on a new meaning – every single moment begins to count. Like the flower, our purpose is the reason we are different from all other people. Our purpose is the reason we talk, act and think the way we do. Every fiber of our being was designed for the fulfillment of that purpose and we will never be fulfilled until we fulfill that purpose. It is the reason we were made and the reason we are here. The only reason we have time left is to fulfill purpose. The reason for your special design is your unique purpose. Seek to know it diligently if you do not know it. If you know it already, pursue it with a relentless determination.
Many people ask, how do you identify my own personal purpose? Good question. Let me answer with the words of Dr Myles Monroe – the product does not determine its purpose. Its manufacturer does that. So to know the product’s purpose, the manufacturer must be asked. You can believe what you want but I counsel that you accept this truth. God created you and it is He and He alone that determined your purpose before you were created. He alone can tell you your true purpose. Spend time to ask Him in prayer. I know Him. He’s more than willing to let you know exactly why he made you and what he made you to do.
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