Monday, November 16, 2009
What would u do????
She'd been dating an "Island big boy" for about 3years and was already talking marriage. The dude was having a bash and she goes over to his house to help. Cos of the stress of arranging the bash plus work, she got tired and slept early into the party. She woke up wen the party was already over and didn't find her man around. She went to ask the cook who told her that oga had stepped out to buy drinks with one of his friends. She inquired who it was and she was told it was one of his male friends who was getting married in 2weeks time. Satisfied she started picking things up as she went inside. She heard some sounds from the study and decided to check it out only to walk in on her man and (i know what you're thinking but i can bet that you're wrong)....................................................................his male friend in the middle of sex. The guys calmly told her that he likes both men and women.
What would you do if you were the lady?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm on leave right now and one would have thought that I would have the time to rest during this break. But how now????????? I'm using this time to do the groundwork for my video shoot (should be in early December. of course you'll be the first to see it), meetings and working my contacts for the promo of my songs and just showing my face at a couple of entertainment places so I can get back into the industry. This bank work don take me away for a while. Hope you guys are good sha.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Today's Tot: The Hilary Factor

If Obama had picked Hilary Clinton as Vice Presidential running mate, would we believe a black man could have become president of the United States on his own merit today, or would we be saying that he won because he rode on the Hilary factor in his team? Something happened to me that popped this thought in my head. Do ask yourself today, are you holding on to some Hilary factor for your success or are you believing in yourself?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
K'naan's waving flag Theme Song for FIFA 2010 World Cup
All day
Friday, November 6, 2009
Passing on the baton?
Djinee's new style
My question is, is it the Chocolate city crew influence or what?
You can listen to the song here
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The power of photoshop

Many of us look at magazines and see pictures looking soooo cool and skins looking so smooth and we begin to lose our self esteem cos we don't look as good as the pix and our skins ain't anywhere near that smooth. Just to help us, I've put pictures of me before the editing and after the editing to show us the power of editing. Photoshop really does a lot to clean those pictures up, ok?
Where are the Idols
Jodie was acclaimed the winner that we didn't vote for. The sassy little lady with the golden voice is still going strong. Ran into her at a couple of shows lately and she's not failed to wow me at any. She's still doing a cover of popular songs though. Should hookup with a tight songwriter and producer to work that marvelous voice she's got. Heard she's working on a couple of songs in the background. Can't wait for her to explode with this. Don't know who she's dating though, but trust, I will keep you updated if I sniff anything.
Eric is doing great. Saw him at his Karimu Kotun boutique recently and he was looking fresh and clean. The fine boy that charmed his way into our hearts with the cool voice on idols has a tight single he's already promoting tagged "I go make am", a South African sounding song like that. He sings once in a while at House On the Rock. Watch out for him though, the single is rising fast. Learnt there's some romance between him and the daughter of a South South governor, that's all I can say.
Omawumiiiiii!! She's wowed us with her first single and video "In the music" and then followed up with nice single Today na Today. Her third single with Naeto C is okay too. She's set to release her album and I've put the album cover here. Looking forward to hearing her maximize that strong voice on some Whitney Houston kinda stuff tho. And interestingly, she sort of looks like Whitney in this picture. She's in hot romance with one of Naija's finest producers Dokta Frabz last time I checked.
Today's tots: Flower Principle 2

As a kid, I often wondered why some leaves on the trees were different from the other leaves on the same tree. Those colored leaves were flowers. Flowers are different from other leaves on the tree because they have a special purpose. They are not the way they are by accident. They are not the way they are for just aesthetic value. Every single thing about the flower is geared towards that special purpose. No matter what else the flower does, if that purpose is not fulfilled, the flower would have failed. That special purpose of every flower is to become a seed carrying fruit. That seed is then used to create another tree. Each tree has thousands of flowers with this same purpose. The truth is this: not all flowers will eventually become trees, even though the reason for their existence was to become tress.
Every one of us has a purpose. Our purpose is the most important piece of knowledge we must possess. Life without purpose is meaningless. When purpose comes into our lives, every single moment begins to take on a new meaning – every single moment begins to count. Like the flower, our purpose is the reason we are different from all other people. Our purpose is the reason we talk, act and think the way we do. Every fiber of our being was designed for the fulfillment of that purpose and we will never be fulfilled until we fulfill that purpose. It is the reason we were made and the reason we are here. The only reason we have time left is to fulfill purpose. The reason for your special design is your unique purpose. Seek to know it diligently if you do not know it. If you know it already, pursue it with a relentless determination.
Many people ask, how do you identify my own personal purpose? Good question. Let me answer with the words of Dr Myles Monroe – the product does not determine its purpose. Its manufacturer does that. So to know the product’s purpose, the manufacturer must be asked. You can believe what you want but I counsel that you accept this truth. God created you and it is He and He alone that determined your purpose before you were created. He alone can tell you your true purpose. Spend time to ask Him in prayer. I know Him. He’s more than willing to let you know exactly why he made you and what he made you to do.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hilarious: Grandma Witness

Lawyers should never ask a Mississippi grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer.
In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?' She responded, 'Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.'
The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'
She again replied, 'Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a
youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.'
The defense attorney nearly died.
The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said,
'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair.
Ghana's Kayayo
Ghana's Kayayo are girls who leave their villages in the North to do heavy menial work in the south. Found out about them here
Power for all by December?
Coming soon: I MADE IT
The song is called I MADE IT and I featured my man Natti and the fiesty and hot Zee on this track. Production is by Willie Stylz for Chordratic Inc.
Today's tots: Flower Principle 1

One of the most uncomfortable experiences I have had was passing through a footpath lined with a certain species of grass. No matter how carefully I walked, my clothes ended up being covered in some spiky seeds. The flowers of the grass was positioned such that try as you may, you would always end up carrying those seeds away once you pass by the grass. Depending on the pollination agent, the flowers on any plant are positioned such that it will take full advantage of the slightest of contacts with that agent. They are positioned in such a way that the plant does not have to do anything actively: the positioning of the flowers ensures that the pollen is dispersed.
One of the most key skills that every individual hoping to succeed in the twenty first century and beyond must develop is the ability to strategically position yourself to receive what you desire. Positioning means setting yourself up to get that which you desire with the least possible stress. Positioning may be a physical movement, a mental re-alignment, the building of some relationships, going to certain places more or less or adding to your skill set. It is about doing whatever it takes to make you the most likely person to be sought out for that which you desire.
The flower is positioned strategically only after years of study, such that it has learnt over the millennia to position itself even before the pollinator comes along. It doesn’t wait for the wind to blow before it positions itself so that its pollen is carried by the wind. It anticipates the way the wind will blow and then positions itself to take advantage of that wind-flow. It is strategically positioned. It is not reactionary but anticipatory.
Those that will succeed in the present and emerging world need to learn this from the flowers. We must do a good study of the areas in which we intend to succeed and understand it properly in order to gain insight and foresight into our chosen areas. If we do these things, like the flower, we must then position ourselves strategically to benefit from these future tendencies. We need to position ourselves such that these benefits come to us with the least possible effort.
Many people desire success, but their minds are not positioned to receive that which they need to succeed. The prerequisite to strategic positioning is understanding based on information. Positioning is not about what you do in the now, but about what you have done before the now. Learn from the flower. Determine what you want, get informed about it and position yourself to attract that which you want with the least possible effort before the time you expect I to come.
There are those who we term as being born with silver spoons. Yet still, it is not where or how you were born that carries the day; it is what you do with that spoon that carries the day. There were some who were never opportuned to be born with any kind of spoon at all, but upon an encounter with the one who positions all things right, they have turned out great.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Oba Ovoramwen
Today's tots

An interesting thought occurred to me while lying on my bed yesterday night. Imagine you were teleported to an African Kingdom, date is 1850. You are coming from this culture of cars, computers, advanced weapons, great clothes and planes. You describe these wonderful things to them and then they asked you to make one of them. Would you be able to make any?
Are we just users or builders? Are we a consuming culture or a producing culture? It's food for thought en... Ciao
Monday, November 2, 2009
Matchstick Formula 1 Car. Would you drive it?
Found a way to upload one of the singles on my upcoming album for you guys to hear. Let me have your comments on this. Will put up more in a bit...
Reza Vossough hated 33-year-old Cany's body, but they tied the knot anyway after he spotted her "potential".
Vossough spent five years pumping 1,600g of silicone into her body, boosting her size A chest to a giant F cup.
He also enhanced her lips, lifted her eyelids and de-creased her forehead.
The former waitress also had nip-and-tuck ops to her bum, tummy and thighs and countless Botox injections.
Only AFTER £18,000 of cosmetic surgery did Reza, 48, fall in love with her.
But busty Cany, now a model, is thrilled with her new image. She said: "When your husband is a plastic surgeon, then the scalpel is your friend."
Reza, who operates on 1,200 patients a year at his Berlin clinic, said of his skills: "It's almost like being God - you have the ability to change nature.
"When I first met Cany, she had physical deficiencies, but I could see there was something there. She had big hips and big thighs, so we made corrections, then did a little bit more.
"On the operating table her face is covered, so she's anonymous like any patient. I was interested in working on her. It's better than nature could do."
Since her hubby's last op, Cany has had a secret fourth boob job. But Reza has not ruled out MORE work - saying: "There may be some more in the future, like a facelift, but not yet."
But Reza is wise enough to admit that he's not perfect himself.
He said: "I inherited a big nose from my dad, so my business partner made me a new one. And I have Botox too."