The flower’s value does not lie in its present but in its future. It can become a tree. But how does the flower move from being a mere small flower into a big tree.
The journey starts with pollen from the anthers of the flowers being carried by the pollinators to other flowers so that fertilization of the eggs in the stigma can occur. A period of incubation when fertilized eggs send little roots into the belly of the flower follows. Time then elapses when the flower transforms, with the outer parts forming the fruit and the inner parts forming the seed. The flower has come a long way in its journey to becoming a tree but it is not there yet. The seed must then be planted and nurtured. Over time, it then grows up into a tree. It may take a few days or a hundred years, depending on the species of the plant.
Well, what do you think? Seems like such a long way for the flower to go in order to fulfill its purpose. That is what we call process. The flower has to go through a series of events that transform it into a tree. Even if it goes through 95% of the process, it will only become almost a tree, never a tree. Going 100% all the way is called staying power.
A wise man once said that the wealthiest place on earth is the graveyard. The greatest of potential is found buried with the occupants of the graves. It is process that transforms the minutest of potential into the most opulent of fulfilled purpose. No matter how great potential is, it will be useless if it is not processed. The poorest of nations in the world are amongst those that have the greatest potential to be rich. They are poor because they do not process their potential into wealth. Your greatest value will only be realized when your potential today is processed into your purpose tomorrow. People respect potential but they respect maximized potential more.
You must discover what needs to be done with what you have for that which you have to become that which you should have.
Even Jesus, our divine argument was made through process – even the son learnt …by the things he suffered. Samson did not really go through process, having strength entrusted upon him from birth. He truncated his life’s journey prematurely. Process breaks, moulds, remolds and brings about the required you.